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Quality Process Action Plan For Business

Every facet of a business can be measured for quality. This includes obvious areas like production and development but also administrative functions such as management, customer service, marketing and sales. We have been in business for over 35 years developing awareness materials that aid in the cause of quality. We provide tools to encourage and inform employees of your quality practices, measure progress in quality, check for compliances and reward those who enforce your quality practices.

Informed employees can play an important role in tracking down and stopping quality control issues. Management's role is to empower its people by giving them information and processes in which they can participate. It is around this philosophy that AwarenessIDEAS built its Employee Awareness Quality Process Program.

Quality Process Action Plan

The key to any successful quality control program is implenting standards that everyone can agree on. By setting standards that have input from employees, those employees are more likely to participate and more likely to add to the program it progresses, thereby becoming Quality Process Champions. One standard that AwarenessIDEAS recommends is, "All Processes shall conform to the quality process expectations and requirements designed into the system. By setting a base line of quality assurance and a slightly higher goal of quality to follow, employees are able and willing to participate in your quality process." Getting that message across using every avenue of communications open to you will engage your users and produce results. Some ideas to facility quality awareness in your company include:

  • Create Quality Process teams to coordinate activities. Pick atleast one person from each department and give them the power to control quality in their department and interact with their peers in quality related practices.
  • Dress your Quality Teams in wearables that give them recognition and identity. A team member that is easily identified with a wearable is easy to spot and engage when a quality control issue arises.
  • Hang several of our quality process banners and posters throughout your facility. Let us customize them with your Quality Process Vision and personalize them with your company or department logo.
  • Have a suggestion contest that lasts 30 days, one every 6 months. Have appropriate inexpensive awareness products available for thoughtful ideas. If you find you are engaging your staff effectively with your quality campaign, you will have hundreds of good ideas and can offer multiple levels of handouts depending on the scope of those ideas.
  • Use our write-on/wipe-off quality process charts designed to monitor your specific areas for quality conformance. We can customize any of our charts or create totally unique ones depending on your needs. Any where that an improvement can be made in your business can be charted, so we encourage you to start with the obvious areas and then move further into your processes as your charting progresses.
  • Use our quality process information boards to hold posters and plant information inserts. These sheets can include your quality process numbers, information on your policies, a picture of the "quality employee of the week" or any other quality message you would like.
  • Tag all quality non-conformances, giving each one a priority rating. We can make tags that have quotas, previous performace records, compliance checks or other issues.
  • Have a contest that encourages the reporting of quality process issues in each department. Reward the departments that do the most to improve on quality.
  • Use appropriate decals and signage by your machinery and equipment with quality standards and expectations for that process. When an employee is informed as to what is expected, they will often take it upon themselves to exceed that expectation and raise the bar for quality.
  • Have a contest each month that relates to that months quality process poster. A contest keeps the poster message alive. People talk about the problem and therefore pay more attention to solving it. Switch out the poster at the end of the month with a new quality message, or improve on a current quality message with a different marketing approach.
  • Give rewards and recognition to department managers, quality process champions and and the quality teams staying on top of reducing quality non-conformances.

Get awarenessIDEAS involved. Have a look at our complete line of quality process materials, then give us a call at 1-800-875-1725. Making us a part of your team will give you valuable resources and ongoing support in your efforts to improve quality process awareness at your workplace.

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