Everyone is aware that there are many ways both to waste and to conserve energy, though few are clear on exactly
"what" these
ways are. By spotlighting specific issues within the workplace you bring about a moment of enlightenment when
they learn of all
the ways they can make a difference. Use posters and decals around the workplace to bring attention to all of
the potential "energy wasters" and if possible, indicate the cost of the waste that occurs.
We have specialty decals that can indicate high-energy using
machinery and some that give you room to mark exactly
how high that level is. We also have posters that can help formulate equations
between doors left open, the amount of energy
they waste and the cost they have on the company.
There are many different kinds
of "waste-specific" materials we have to offer, and in addition to these, we can create new
products just for you to help bring
attention to individual issues your organization may face. Call us anytime with your
business' energy concerns and we can brainstorm
no-obligation ways to market awareness to your employees in the most
effective & fitting way. 800-875-1725.