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Create "Energy Teams" to coordinate activities.
Dress these Energy Teams in wearables that give them recognition and identity.
Give your employees a sense of belonging with a meaningful team position. Break your staff into groups by department or
other classification to create "Energy Teams". Encourage teams to work together to coordinate activities like contests or
"theme of the month". |
You could also choose to assign a different responsibility to each team. ie. energy team 1 is in charge of
"adopt a door" program, energy team 2 is in charge of maintaining leak tag system, energy team 3 is responsible for tracking
charts etc. Remind everyone how their roles all work together to accomplish energy efficiency, just as their different roles
within the company combine to make the business run. |
Create recognition and identity within your Energy Teams by dressing them in wearables that speak of your energy
mission & of their goals. We can create T-shirts & hats specifically for your teams or you can choose from our existing
collection of energy themed apparel. |